3D Animation Video
3D Animation
People Helping People is a wonderfully unique company that helps its clients with a variety of insurance and investment decisions. In this 3D animation video we have created 2 Animated CG characters from scratch and put them into the real locations that we shot in the Los Angeles area in Woodland Hills, CA. We used our RED One Camera and some very complex post production programs including Maya, Cinema 4D, After Effects and Nuke. That is how we mixed the 3D animation with the real world. The production was a lot of fun and definitely took us into some territory that we hadn’t been in too often in terms of live action and animating and creating characters from the ground up. Anthony Taylor of Windsong Productions directed the videos and the shoot went very smoothly. Thanks for watching!
About People Helping People:
PHP has a full time staff in Los Angeles that is always ready to serve there agents. Their headquarters office team is carefully selected, trained and fully aligned with the company’s goals and mission.
At PHP, they are “Bringing Back Life to the Insurance Industry”. By giving their agents access to our network of providers, we are able to make a difference for families nationwide. They understand that Life Insurance can be a sensitive topic and they strive to make sure that we make a positive and memorable experience for all the families that they serve. Read More